NAR REALTOR® (R,RA) members are required to complete a qualifiying Code Of Ethics (COE) course in each COE cycle (currently 3 years) as defined by NAR (typically cycles are two years). See futher details here : NAR Code of Ethics Training.
Any member that has not satisfied the NAR Ethics Requirement at the end of given cycle is to be Suspended (Status : S
) by their primary association. See further details here : Consequences for Failure to Complete Code of Ethics Training.
On March 1 following the end of the cycle, any member that has not satisfied their ethics requirement for the preceding cycle shall be Terminated (Status : T
) and shall be required to reapply should they wish to rejoin.
The COE Suspension dashboard will allow you to create a COE suspension workflow for a COE Cycle to be executed on a date of your choosing.
The columns displyed are :
To create a new COE Suspension, click on the - - icon in the upper right hand corner of the COE Suspension dashboard. This will cause the Create COE Suspension window to slide out from the right side of the dashboard. Choose the Cycle you wish to create a COE Suspension for, then choose a Suspension Date. Once you have done that, you should select a segment to be used to execute the suspensions. Usually this segement would have already have been in place to communicate with those those had the ethics requirement outstanding leading up to the end of the cycle.
TIP: When building the segment, be sure to include members that have a Suspended Association Subscription so that the count of people with outstanding ethics continues to be accurate following the Suspensions. The same segment can be used for communications to these group of members up until the end of February following the end of the cycle.
To select a segment to be used for the COE Suspension, click on the Select Segment button. This will cause the Add Segment window to pop up.
Here you can select the audience/segment for this COE Suspension action.
Just click on the segment you wish to add and it will be added to the Create COE Suspension window. Once selected you can click Save and it will be immediately added to the COE Suspension Dashboard in a pending status..
Until a COE Suspension has been executed (while still in a pending state), it may be edited at any time. To edit the COE Suspension, click on the - - and the Edit COE Suspension window will slide out from the right side of the dashboard. Make any edits you wish and click save to update the COE Suspension.
Once the COE Suspension has been executed, anyone in the Segment (audience) selected will have an incident (coe_requirement_not_met
) placed on their Association Subscription and will be Suspended (Status : S
) in NRDS and their subscription is also suspended. However they will be able to book into a class as a member while in that suspended state. Anyone with a member role (even if it is suspended), can access member courses and pricing. This is by design.
When someone completes a COE Course (COEC) (NOT COEN) between Jan 1 and Feb 28/29 following the end of a cycle, Tangilla will check to see if they have satisfied the ethics requirement for the previous cycle. If they have not, they are credited for the previous cycle, if they have they get credit for the current cycle. Those who were previously suspended will be immediately reinstated when their NRDS record is updated with the COE completion.
Those who remain in the suspended state on March 1 will be automatically terminated according to NAR rules. These individuals will need to reapply for membership. This date cannot be altered as it is set by NAR.